Monday, November 30, 2009 sale
Monday, November 23, 2009
How we met
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Free Tea and how I'm going to coupon for Tiger tickets!
Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Hot Deal from Glade!
Go to and get some fabulous coupons to use with the Glade promotion at Target. Once I selected which coupons I wanted and hit print, it let me hit the "back arrow" button 5 times to get a total of 5 of each of these coupons!!! Pair it with the promotion at Target to get the gift card, and the SC Johnson rebate, and this is one money making deal!
Here's a direct link to Right at Home: and one to the SC Johnson rebate deal:
If you register at, they will email you all kinds of coupons! As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Free DenTek Triple Clean Floss Picks!
Hello all my coupon friends! I told you that you never know when good samples are out there to be had. This one is good when teaching your kids to floss (I worked in a Pediatric Dental Office for 7 years), but it's also not bad for those of us who forget to floss every now and then!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Free Folgers Sample
Don't you just love all the free samples that are coming out lately? Going to the mailbox over the next few weeks sure will be fun!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Free Sample of Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Single Serve Coffee Blends (Free taste test)
Another Great Target Deal on Halloween Candy/ Childrens Place Sale
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Current Target gift card deals, as well as some really good deals!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Awesome Glade Candle Deal
Right @ Home just released a great new coupon: buy one Glade Fragrance Collection 2 oz soy based candle, get one FREE! This coupon should pair up nicely with a sale!
You could buy four 2 oz soy candles and use 2 BOGO coupons from above and one $3/2 coupon from here (for the candles you aren't getting free)! Final cost will basically be four candles for the price of one! These would be great additions to gift baskets!Let us know if you come across any great deals!
Don't forget if you get at least 3 of these, they would also be eligible for the SC Johnson Rebate Deal! Sweet, sweet, sweet!
Monday, October 12, 2009
She would've been 86 today!
Always go to the one who will let you get your way!
Nana's mom died when she was only 18 months old, so she was raised by her dad and grandparents. From the stories I was told, one set of grandparents lived "up the hill" and one set lived "down the hill." Whenever she would get in trouble by her dad, she would go to whichever set of grandparents would be the most likely to let her have her way, and there she would stay until her father forgot whatever she was in trouble about.
Find your one true love, and hold on tight!
Nana and Pops got married when they were 19...19! After they got married they moved to the "big city" aka Memphis, and Nana moved into a boarding house while my Pops went off to war. It's during this time that Nana began to work at Sears, from where she eventually retired, and is where she learned to do the next lesson.....
Always hide a little money just for yourself!
Nana always had cash on hand...always. For the longest time I thought it was money that Pops gave to her, but after she passed away we found out she had several "secret" accounts she had opened at various banks, and put money away just in case she needed to buy something for herself. Now, don't get me wrong-Pops NEVER said NO to this woman. Whatever she wanted, she got, but I guess she thought "just in case" so she opened these accounts. The funny thing was they all had my grandfathers name on them really, did she think he would never find out?
Peanut Butter and cracker is the medicine for all ailments!
Whenever you were hungry, weather it be at the beauty shop, out shopping, or even at church, Nana always had peanut butter and cracker in her purse. I can remember a time in church when I told my Mom I wasn't feeling well, and she sent me over to Nana during the next hymn to get some peanut butter and cracker to calm my stomach. Of course Nana insisted on me sitting with her for the rest of the service, and of course the candy helped out so much too, that by the time we got out of church-I was going home with her and Pops for the afternoon!
If you have a sinking spell, you can get out of all kinds of housework!
Nana had sinking spells often. It could be because the Tigers were losing at basketball. It could be because one of my sisters was doing back handsprings across the backyard...heck, it could be because I didn't have a boyfriend, but whenever she had a sinking spell, she could not do anything else. Seriously...Pops waited on her hand and foot while she sat in her chair rubbing her forehead. Sometimes these were actually her not feeling well, however a lot of times, she was just tired of doing housework.
Always be a princess with a "hard times" drawer!
Nana lacked for nothing. She had all kinds of jewelry, clothes and purses, and went shopping every Friday, but she also had a "hard times" drawer. This drawer, at the bottom of her dresser had a set of men's and women's pj's, as well as pantyhose, fingernail polish, cash, and a couple of pieces of costume jewelry. You never actually went into the hard time drawer, but you knew it was know, for hard times.
Love your kids and grand kids, but most importantly love your Jesus!
I never questioned if Nana loved me, never. My sister Amy used to think Nana was trying to fatten us up to put us in the oven like on Hansel and Gretel, but we seriously knew that Nana loved us. She tried to make it to sporting events, choir concerts, plays, big achievements, whatever....she was an active grandparent. We also knew she loved my Mom and Aunt. If they ever needed anything, Nana was always there with a helping hand. She would babysit us, keep us so our Mom's could just do laundry, pop in to say hello, then take someone to spend the night, whatever she was there. But more than the way she loved us, she loved her Jesus. Her favorite hymn was What a Friend We Have in Jesus. I can only imagine how much she is loving on her friend now. Praising and worshipping and waiting until the time she can welcome her family home!
I miss her, I really do, so on this what would've been her 86th birthday, I can only say thank you Nana. Thank you for the impression you made on my life. Thank you for showing me that marriage isn't easy, but it's all worth it in the end. Thank you for loving me, your oldest grandchild, with all the love you had to give, but never short changing your other grand kids either. Thank you for teaching me about coupons, and how if you save some money, you can go far in this life. Thank you, most importantly for showing me what a Christian wife, mother, and grandmother looks like! Thank you for living your life without compromise, willing to share Jesus with others, if only by the way you lived your life. Thank you!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
5 years....where has it gone?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Would I have the courage?
Seriously, I've had a "wake-up" call of sorts the past two days that came courtesy of my husband, and one of our friends Ben. Ben and his wife Shelbi have become dear friends of ours over the past few months since they started attending our connect group, and, as I told them last night, "infiltrating our circle." Ben, like Donnie only became a Christian in later part of his life, and both are constantly striving to learn more about God, with an insatiable hunger for the word. I remember when I had that hunger. Yes, you read that right, I said HAD. I don't know what's happened over the past few months, but spending time alone with God has become more of an obligation than a opportunity. Every morning I wake up and think about doing a quiet time, but the pull of Facebook, balancing the checkbook, finishing up laundry, basically anything that can occupy the two hours before Donnie gets up, has started taking precedence. Well, since Friday the Lord has been dealing with my heart about spending time with him. I have been dismissing the fact that I sometimes fall asleep during prayer to the fact that I'm just really, really tired instead of realizing that what I'm saying is only bouncing to the ceiling and back because it lacks conviction. I've almost become numb the fact that I don't feel like my prayers are being answered, instead of taking ownership in the fact that I lack the faith for the prayers to be answered. I don't know what has gotten into me, well, yes I's called lack of faith, worldly desires....satan.
So what has changed my heart the past few days? Well, like I said before it's my husband and Ben. Sometimes I think God puts a new Christian in our life to show us what "childlike faith" really looks like. Last night Ben went up on stage at church and answered questions about how his life had changed over the past year since accepting Jesus as his savior. He made is just sound so simple, changing your life that is, and I began to think at what point did I pull away? At what point did I start acting the part, but not living the faith? Then, after church we went to dinner with Ben and Shelbi. Like I said before, we love these guys and have the best time when we get to hang out with them, and last night of course was no exception. Ben and Donnie had both been to a men's retreat this weekend and were full of all kinds of facts, statistics, and biblical truths. While at dinner they rehashed the weekend, and talked about all that they had learned. God started to prick my heart and say "do you remember when you were that excited about me?" "Do you remember when you, like Ben, would pray and wait anticipating the answer...even looking around during a prayer to see if I was answering right then?" "Do you remember?" Then, my husband did something he's never done before that sat me on my butt thinking I've got to come out of whatever this dark place is that I've been residing. Donnie told our waitress we were about to pray over our food, and asked if there was anything we could pray about for her. She was so taken aback, but then she asked us to pray that she get her scholarship to school back. She lost it last semester by 1/100th of a point, and she was so disappointed. Donnie then prayed for our food, and for Fallon, who I will never forget, that she get her GPA up, and scholarship back. For the rest of the meal I sat unusually silent, caught in my thoughts of how I was going to make a change. I started wondering to myself how many times do I go out to eat with my church friends and saying a blessing over our food is perfectly acceptable, normal and right, but when I go out with my other friends, it's the last thing on my mind? When did praying about our family situation, and asking God to bless us with a child become routine, and not passionate? I know I'm very passionate about it, but I almost always just mention it to God as an after thought...almost like, well-I know you are probably not going to answer this anytime soon, but I still need to say something....seriously, when did I become this person?
With more passion and desire than I've ever felt I'm setting out today to become a better Christian, a better witness, wife, sister, daughter, friend...child of God! I know that God has so much in store for my life if I just dig down and restore my relationship with Him. The only way I know to do this is to spend time in His word, to pray and really mean it, and to seek His face in all I do. Not just give lip service to the One who created me, but to give true and perfect praise to the One whose breath I breathe.
Thanks babe for the witness you've been to me! You will never know how much your simple act of service to the Lord at Macaroni Grill touched my heart! I love you for who you are, what you are to me, and what you want to be in Christ Jesus....
Thanks Ben for being willing to share so much of yourself with us, and the rest of the church. Your burning hunger for God and His word have made an impression on me that I won't soon forget. We love you and Shelbi so much, and are forever grateful for your friendship!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Where to start?
I am addicted to coupons. Who would've thought? Seriously, only three months ago I thought I was doing good if I saved $20.00 or $30.00 at Kroger using my plus card. Now, I'm not satisfied until I spend less than $20.00 on $200.00 worth of products. I avidly search blog after blog finding the best deal. I want to know that when I paid for it, it was at it's rock bottom price. I've impressed some along the way. I've made some mad along the way. But at the end of the day it's saving the hubby and I lots of money, so I wouldn't have it any other way! I've been going back and forth in my head about offering a coupon "workshop" and then giving direct links to the blogs I use, but then will people know my secret and do better than me? Will they show me up in their ability to save? Do I secretly love that I have this power that other people want? Um...well, yeah....I've always loved to have the power. The power of being the oldest, the power of knowing how to run my office, the power of being the one who knows exactly what we spend on stuff (sorry, babe.) I love the power!! BUT, and that's a big but, I love to share too. So with that, I'm going to put aside my love of power to find out what I need to do to reserve a room at Ridgeway Baptist to teach a savings class....I mean seriously, who can't benefit from some money saved?